MELOCS, LLC Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 2014-04-02

Melocs, LLC ("Melocs") cares about your privacy when you visit or use the Melocs app. We want to tell you in detail about the policies and practices which we have adopted to protect your privacy so that you can feel confident about how we handle the personally identifiable information ("personal information") you or authorized third-parties provide to us, and understand how we manage your personal information to offer you the best possible products, services and experiences. These policies apply to our website located at and also to our Melocs app (collectively, the "Site").

The server(s) that make(s) this Site available, and databases where information may be stored, may be located outside the country from which you accessed this Site, in a country that does not have the same privacy laws as your country of residence (IF APPLICABLE). The personal information made available to us may, therefore, may be transmitted abroad, but we will collect, process and use personal information only in accordance with this Policy. By visiting this Site and submitting information, you consent to such collection, processing, transfer and/or storage of your personal information.

While we do not intend to make changes to our policies very often, we will notify you of any material changes to this Privacy Policy by posting notices on the Site for a reasonable period of time after such changes are made that this Privacy Policy has been updated, and by changing the "Last Updated" date at the top of the Privacy Policy found on the Site. We encourage you to check our Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. We will not make any material changes that expand personal information collection practices with retroactive effect unless legally required to do so. Your continued use of this Site following the posting of changes of these terms will mean you accept these changes.

The content on our Site may include, among other items of interest, entertainment, games, surveys, sweepstakes, contests, and may also include advertising for our products, our affiliates products and opportunities to shop online or via mobile. We may also provide information on our company and our products and services. We hope that you enjoy our Site and will come back often to visit!

Please take a moment to review our policy in detail. To assist you, we offer this short summary.

When do we collect personal information?

When you create or reconfigure a Melocs account, you will be required to provide some personal information, such as your name, username, password, and email address. Some of this information, for example, your name and username, is listed publicly on our Services, including on your profile page and in search results. We collect other personal information, such as hobby or activity information, demographic information (age, gender, etc.), preference information, and the like, when voluntarily submitted by a visitor, registered user or commercial user. In many cases, submitting such information is optional. In other cases, such as when you complete certain online or mobile surveys, we collect this information on an anonymous basis. The Site contains an activation time stamp, which is transparently collected by our server the first time you use the Site. In addition, as part of acceptance to use the Site, you are authorizing Melocs to collect information about your use of the Site, including, without limitation, the number of times you use the Site or various features included with the Melocs app, the duration of use, how many times and the type of technical problems that occur during use of the Site and technical information about your computer, mobile device and system software and the app version you are using. We do this for purposes such as analyzing how the Site is used, diagnosing service or to address technical problems, and improving app quality and features. Visitors may also choose to submit personal information online or by mobile to enter contests, to obtain information or submit a comment, to register for a loyalty program or chat room, (ADD ANYTHING ELSE REASONABLY EXPECTED). We may also obtain contact lists, demographic, and other information from other sources. For the convenience of our customers and to better serve you, we combine the data. You can update or correct your contact information or change your preferences about receiving offers and information from us at any time. To do so, please contact us by You can also change your email preferences in the "Your Account" section of the Site.

You may provide us with profile information to make public, such as your location, name, or a picture. You may provide information to customize your account, such as a cell phone number for the delivery of SMS messages. We may use your contact information to send you information about our Services or to market to you. You may use your account settings to unsubscribe from notifications from Melocs. You may also unsubscribe by following the instructions contained within the notification or the instructions on our website. We may use your contact information to help others find your Melocs account, including through third-party services and client applications. Your privacy settings control whether others can find you by your email address or cell phone number. You may choose to upload your address book so that we can help you find Melocs users you know. We may later suggest people to follow on Melocs based on your imported address book contacts, which you can delete from Melocs at any time. If you email us, we may keep your message, email address and contact information to respond to your request. If you connect your Melocs account to your account on another service in order to cross-post between Melocs and that service, the other service may send us your registration or profile information on that service and other information that you authorize. This information enables cross-posting, helps us improve the Services, and is deleted from Melocs within a few weeks of your disconnecting from Melocs your account on the other service. Learn more here. Providing the additional information described in this section is entirely optional.

We may use technology to collect certain non-personal information from visits to this Site to offer you advertising at non-affiliated, third-party sites. We may also work with advertising networks and publishers who may display ads for our products at unaffiliated third-party sites based on your visits to various websites. We support self-regulatory programs for this practice, called interest-based advertising or online behavioral advertising, and ask our business partners to do the same. Find out more at What are our policies on interest-based advertising (IBA)?

Note to Parents

Our websites are primarily designed and intended for adults, and where brand-appropriate, teens. We may ask visitors to enter a birthdate to restrict those who are underage from accessing certain sites, areas or features. Where appropriate, we will specifically instruct children not to submit personal information to our Site. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected Personal Information from a child under the age of 13, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete such information from our database.

What do we do with your personal information?

You may choose whether to submit personal information. In some cases, personal information is required to enable your participation in certain features, such as tracking information or communicating with other users of Site. We collect personally identifiable information to enter you in contests and notify you of results, to e-mail you with updates and news, to respond to your questions or comments, to register you for certain features, to provide personalized content, information, and/or to send out brochures, coupons, samples, offers and other information on our products or our company. We ask visitors providing e-mail addresses to let us know if they would like further information or updates from us or our Site; only those who request it will receive follow-up e-mail or other communications from us. We may also ask if you would like to receive information about other products available from members of our family of companies or our affiliates. Only those who expressly ask to receive such information online or by mobile will get it. If we are not sure of your preferences we may ask you about them. We also offer visitors an "opt-out" option at any time they wish to cease receiving e-mails or other information from us.

As is customary in many businesses, we may purchase and use opt-in e-mail lists to contact potential customers. We will honor opt-out requests and ask those providing lists to give us assurances that e-mail contact information is provided only for those consumers who have expressed a desire to receive offers and information by e-mail.

In regards to posts, following, lists and other public information, our Services are primarily designed to help you share information with the world. Most of the information you provide us is information you are asking us to make public. This includes not only the games you post and the metadata provided with your posts, such as when and where you posted, but also the lists you create, the people you follow, the games you play, and many other bits of information that result from your use of the Services. Our default is almost always to make the information you provide public for as long as you do not delete it from Melocs, but we generally give you settings to make the information more private if you want. Your public information is broadly and instantly disseminated. For instance, your public user profile information and public posts may be searchable by search engines and are immediately delivered via SMS and our APIs to a wide range of users and services. When you share information or content like photos, videos, and links via the Services, you should think carefully about what you are making public.

What do we do to safeguard personal information?

We have instituted safeguards to check that our internal procedures meet our high policy standards. We honor your requests about how we contact you, and keep personal information only so long as we need to for legitimate business reasons or as required by law. We also use our best efforts to be sure that third parties who work with us as our agents to make this Site and its contents available to you, and to fulfill your orders and requests, agree to protect personal information that they must access in order to serve our Site and our visitors, and honor your preferences about contacts you receive.

Personal information is used solely by us, and our employees, affiliates, agents or business partners who help make this Site, its content, and the products and services at this Site, available to you in order to respond to your requests and to better serve you, consistent with this policy. Individuals handling personal information are trained in appropriate procedures. Our agents and service providers are required to keep your personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose other than to perform specified services for us.

In addition, we may occasionally ask you if we may share personal information with other trusted third parties. We will let you know at the time the personal information is collected if such third-party sharing is anticipated, will identify the types of businesses at the area of collection, will describe the personal information we will share (like your mail or e-mail address) and will only share data if you agree. We will share personal data only with those who have agreed to follow careful policies, but you may opt out at any time. You can opt out of receiving marketing messages from us by either following the instructions at the bottom of the email you receive or by contacting us by You can also change your preferences in the "Your Account" section of the website.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We use technologies like cookies and web beacons to offer certain functions at our Site, to understand our visitors, and to offer ads at third-party sites, sometimes using non-personal information collected at our Site and sometimes through third-party networks, service providers or publishers. Please note that third parties where you might see our ads have their own privacy policies and use technologies which we do not control. We encourage you to read those policies carefully.

What are cookies?

"Cookies" are data files that a website sends to your computer while you are viewing the Site. These data files include information that allows our Site to remember important information that will make your use of the Site more efficient and useful to you. Our Site use cookies for a variety of purposes. We use cookie technology and IP addresses to obtain non-personal information from online or mobile visitors, and also to provide registered visitors with the best possible personalized online or mobile experience. There are different types of cookies, such as session cookies, persistent cookies, and Flash cookies. Flash cookies cannot typically be managed in the same way as other types of cookies so be sure to review how to manage them.

How do we use cookies?

Visitors to our Site use different web browsers and different computers. To make your visits as easy as possible with the technology you use, we automatically keep track of the type of browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox) and operating system (e.g., Windows, Macintosh or mobile software) used by a visitor, and the domain name of the visitor's internet service provider. We also track the total number of visitors to our Site in an aggregate form to allow us to update and improve our Site; personally identifiable information is not extracted in this process. This data tells us if more visitors prefer certain features or areas to others, which helps us keep our Site fresh and interesting to the majority of our visitors.

We, or third-party advertising vendors or publishers where our ads appear, may use cookies in connection with these advertisements. For example, cookies may be used to control the number of times a user sees a particular advertisement or to deliver or display advertisements for our products to users likely to be the most interested in them. We do not control the use of technologies by unaffiliated third parties and are not responsible for their privacy policies. For more information on how to exercise choice about receiving interest-based advertising at other, non-affiliated sites, please review What are our policies on online behavioral advertising (OBA)?

How do we use cookies to personalize your experience at our Site?

Cookie technology helps us deliver content tailored to a visitor's interests, and allows us to make procuring services, ordering products, entering and participating in sweepstakes and contests, and offering other functions at our Site easier for our visitors. Sites that offer online or mobile shopping use cookies to remember and process the items in your shopping cart. Where permitted, we may associate personal information with a cookie file in such instances.

What if you don't want cookies?

If you don't want cookies, you can set your computer or device to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or turn off all cookies (except Flash cookies) through your browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Firefox). Check your browser HELP menu to learn the correct way to change or update your cookies. Remember that this will not allow you to manage Flash cookies. To find out more about how to manage or delete Flash cookies, visit Please note that if you do not accept cookies, some features or activities may not be available to you.

Web Beacons

What are Web beacons and how do we use them?

Some portions of our Site and e-mail updates may contain electronic images called Web beacons, sometimes known as one pixel GIFs, clear GIFs or pixel tags. On the Site, these allow us to count visitors who have viewed our pages. In promotional e-mail messages/newsletters they allow us to count how many subscribers have read them. Web beacons allow us to develop statistical information about the activities and features that most interest our consumers for the purpose of providing more personalized content. They are not used to access personally identifiable information without your consent.

Interest-Based Advertising

What are our policies on interest-based advertising (IBA)?

We support industry self regulation for IBA and ask our ad partners and publishers to participate in self-regulatory programs as well.

We may collect and share non-personally identifiable information about your visits to our affiliated websites (websites under our control) with partner websites to provide advertisements about our products and services likely to be of interest to you. We also work with third party advertisers and publishers who collect and use non-personally identifiable information about visits to many websites for purposes of serving ads likely to be of interest, including ads for our products or services. Ads served based on information about your online or mobile visits are sometimes delivered with icons that help you understand how data is being used to deliver advertising, and offer you choice about it. If you would like to obtain more information about targeted advertising and make choices about it, please click here. Even if you opt-out you will still see advertising when you browse online or by mobile, but it may be less relevant to you.

Links to Other Sites

What about links to other Websites?

We may offer links to other sites outside of this website. You should always check the privacy policy of any linked website to understand their personal information collection practices, including how they may use cookies. We are not responsible for the content or information collection policies of sites operated by other companies. If you visit another site, you should review their privacy and other policies.

Other Questions And Concerns

What else do you need to know?

We reserve the right to use or disclose any personal information as needed to satisfy any law, regulation or legal request, to conduct investigations of consumer complaints or possible breaches of law, to protect the integrity of the Site, to fulfill your requests, or to cooperate in any legal investigation. To the extent we buy or sell a business, personal and non-personal information will be part of the transaction.

Melocs' Site uses Google Maps API. Users are bound by the terms and conditions of Google's privacy policy at By use of our Site, you also agree to Google's privacy policy.

What should you do if you have questions, wish to access, update or delete information, or wish to opt out of receiving future communications?

If you would like us to access, update, change, or delete information we have about you in our marketing database (subject to any applicable legal exceptions), would like to opt out of receiving further communications from us, or have questions about our privacy policy, please contact You can also change your email preferences in the "Your Account" section of the site.


This Privacy Policy and the privacy practices of Melocs, LLC will be subject exclusively to the laws of the State of Missouri within the United States. Melocs makes no representation that this Privacy Policy and our practices comply with the laws of any other country or jurisdiction. Visitors who use the Site and reside outside the United States do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. If you reside outside of the United States, by using our Site, you consent to the transfer, processing and use of your information outside your country.